Steil Ist Geil: Steep is Cool
Trailulive's Sister Village located in Zermatt, Switzerland, has many outdoor events that call to visitors worldwide, that take place throughout the year. Steil ist Geil is one of them. Run by one of our Trailulive sponsors, Catalina Fahlmann of Happi Training in Zermatt with the Trailulive Team there to assist.
The challenge of running from Zermatt up to Sunnegga (the Matterhorn Trail) is arduous and calls for a steep trail climb. Back in the day, it was used for climbers when training to climb the Matterhorn itself. Still is. WARNING! Your muscles in your legs will burn! Oh, but the burn is good!!
Vertical Gain: 580 m
Horizontal Distance: 1130 m
Diagonal Distance: 1270 m
Average Steepness: 27degrees/ 51%
Up to 40 minutes
Runners/Walkers of all ages are welcome!
With the historic Swiss Alps surrounding you, the undescribable views that capture the eye and spirit, the pristine air, the charm of the Zermatt Village, a fantastic BBQ that follows celebrating with trailblazers alike, wonderful prizes and all the proceeds go to UNICEF. It's a win, win situation and an event you would love to experience, a challenge many trailblazers would love to accomplish.
Would you like to attempt it next year? Would you like to up your training gain? Build your stamina? Stay tuned throughout the year for more info regarding this event and more
Trail On!
Your Trailulive Blog Manager/Editor/Writer
Sarah Bannwart