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W.O.M.E.N Trail Hiking Has Begun: Hiking Essentials

The Trailulive website is getting some tweaking done and simultaneously, our community is in full swing with it's trail running sessions and we just had our first trail hiking session this past weekend.

Trail hiking too?! Yes indeed!

For those of you who feel Trail Running isn't your cup of tea or too hard on the joints, we thought we could offer an alternative that may speak to that.

Trail hiking is not a just go in any direction and see where you end up (that too can be fun, but also a bit dangerous if not accustomed to and not properly prepared), it's a hike with a paved way. A large thank you to those individuals who dedicate their time and physical labor, who make it possible for us to enjoy the outdoors safely. Your love and passion is recognized and valued.

Our goal at Trailulive is not to overwhelm you with detail and strenuous labor, but to have your senses overwhelmed with abundant tastes of your own outdoor experiences that add or invite balance to your own well being inside and out. Holding the space for you to connect with like-spirited individuals, helping to create another magical community that appreciates the relationship between 'tree and man'.

W.O.M.E.N. Trail Sessions/Hikes are being scheduled weekly/monthly and we'd like to encourage you to Trail with us. "Okay, this sounds good." You say, "I've never really done this, so what would I need?" " I'm out of shape." "How long?" TUL has something for everyone. We can start off simply and build from your own foundation, not ours.

As you experience grows here are some Essentials:

  1. Map and Compass (map of chosen trails provided by TUL)

  2. Sun Protection

  3. Insulation

  4. Illumination

  5. First Aid Kit Supplies

  6. Fire

  7. Multi-Tool

  8. Fuel (Nutrition)

  9. Emergency blanket

We look forward to Trailing with you. Go to to find out about more trailing dates. We'll see you soon.

Trail On!

Your Trailulive Blog Manager/Editor/Writer

Sarah Bannwart

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